Health Freedom Iowa is a grassroots nonprofit organization comprised of concerned citizens, medical professionals, and alternative health practitioners dedicated to educating, advocating, raising awareness about alternative health modalities, and preserving our freedom of choice.
Health Freedom Iowa believes in the fundamental human right of informed consent and bodily autonomy. Health Freedom Iowa believes that every person has the right to choose their course of medical treatment (including access to complementary and alternative health care) and every parent has the right to choose for their children without fear of reprisal. Health Freedom Iowa believes that every Iowan has the right to healthy (organic, non gmo) food, clean water, clean air, and toxin free products.
Founded in 2015, our mission is to educate Iowans on their inherent rights and to advocate for those who are unable to advocate for themselves. We will fight to protect and expand the rights of every Iowan to have the freedom of choice in all of their health and wellness decisions. As our state motto says, "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain".
Health Freedom Iowa believes in the fundamental human right of informed consent and bodily autonomy. Health Freedom Iowa believes that every person has the right to choose their course of medical treatment (including access to complementary and alternative health care) and every parent has the right to choose for their children without fear of reprisal. Health Freedom Iowa believes that every Iowan has the right to healthy (organic, non gmo) food, clean water, clean air, and toxin free products.
Founded in 2015, our mission is to educate Iowans on their inherent rights and to advocate for those who are unable to advocate for themselves. We will fight to protect and expand the rights of every Iowan to have the freedom of choice in all of their health and wellness decisions. As our state motto says, "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain".
The Biden administration has announced that they will begin going door to door to educate and encourage citizens to take the Covid 19 Vaccine. For your convenience, we have created specialized NO SOLICITING signs to print and put on your door. Click here to download your free NO SOLICITING sign. |
Upcoming Events
Check out our Events Page for upcoming events that Health Freedom Iowa is hosting or participating in.