Written by Erica Dawson Once upon a time, doctors ran tests to verify whether you had a bacterial or viral infection. If your infection was bacterial, they would culture the bacteria to see which antibiotic would be most effective. Now when one goes to the doctor, they get an antibiotic no matter what issue is presenting and without verification of whether it is needed. Abuse of antibiotics has become an epidemic! Overuse of antibiotics has been a mounting concern for several years now. The prolonged and widespread overuse of antibiotics has led to the creation of many antibiotic resistant super bugs (such as MRSA, VRE, MDR-TB, and CRE, to name a few). While doctors need to be held accountable for their part in causing this epidemic, we as patients can take control of our bodies and help to end this. If your doctor attempts to give you an antibiotic "just in case", demand that they run a test to make sure that you actually NEED an antibiotic. The best way to protect yourself is to build up your immune system. Take good, bioavailable vitamins, drink plenty of water, and eat healthy! If you need an antibiotic boost, some natural alternatives are elderberry syrup (home made is best), raw or fermented garlic, or honey. Prevention is the best medicine! Overuse of antibiotics 'risks return to dark ages of life-threatening surgery' - The Guardian
We have long taught that what used to be common childhood diseases gave natural immunity to so many other illnesses and diseases. Could this be why they push the varicella vaccine so hard?
History of chicken pox may reduce risk of brain cancer later in life Just a few months ago, nobody had heard of Acute Flaccid Myelits. Now thanks to this year's #flushot, everyone knows what it is. Now they are either detracting from that or there are 2 sources. Either way, there will be a vaccine for AFM before we know it.
"As the #CDC reports—with no known cause, #vaccine, or treatment— #AFM cases are continuing to grow. As of November 8th, there are now at 80 cases this year. Bennett hopes—with more known knowledge of #Levaquin—and its possible connection—medical emergencies and even death can be prevented in any medical diagnosis." Medical researchers cite possible connection to antibiotic and polio-like illness symptoms An antibiotic known by the brand name of ‘Levaquin’ is garnering national attention by medical researchers and doctors. |
Articles are written by a variety of contributors. Archives
January 2019